Posts tagged evil
Homegrown Truth: We Have to Find it Ourselves

I can remember as a teenager living with my parents getting so annoyed at car commercials. I don’t mean the ones where some company showcases their latest model. I’m talking about the loudmouthed guy hollering out deals and details about his new and used cars ready to move. Never, ever has one of those commercials convinced me to visit their lot. If anything the obnoxious sound motivated me to skip them if I could help it. I don’t know how other people shop for cars, but I usually know what I’m in the market for and just go where they sell those. Commercials like that are a waste of time, in my opinion.

And, folks, 25 years later the media as a whole is now in the same boat as those used car lot commercials. When they aren’t out right lying, the contradictions are endless. It is understandable that people get it wrong sometimes. You and I both know that. We are all human, after all. Still, that’s not what this is anymore. From cancel culture to conflicts of interest, there are a lot of people motivated by greed and evil. That alone means we cannot rely on our culture’s mouthpiece to tell us the truth. Whether you are looking for health advice or finance tips, the world is not going to spoon-feed you truth. Because everyone in positions of authority or expertise are evil? No. At least I hope not. No, it’s because the messages being shoved in our faces like a used car salesman screams out of the tv aren’t trustworthy on their own merit. They have been proven wrong, proven distorted and often motivated by evil intentions. We as a society have been resisting it for a while, but the time has come for us to take care of ourselves without expecting society to do it for us.

Maybe you’re thinking about a homesteading commune up in Montana right about now. The thought is tempting, but that’s not exactly where I’m headed. I’m talking about truth and how we can walk in it. From scripture to oil changes, diet to history books, we have to get our hands dirty in order to determine what is true or not. How can you know if the preacher is misapplying scripture? You have to know the Bible and be able to search it yourself. How can you tell if your financial investor is a crook? It might help if you paid attention to where your money is going. Have you noticed how many times science has changed its mind over the last 50 years like whether eggs are bad, fat is bad, milk is good? How can you know the truth? You have to dig in and not take one person’s word for it. How can we protect our children and families from predators of all kinds? We have to be paying attention.

From the moment that remote kept us from having to get up to change the channel, we started to take a dive into a very comfortable place. It is so comfortable that we stopped paying attention. The preacher will tell me what is right. The school will make sure the kids are okay. The doctor wouldn’t lead me wrong. The finance guy would never steal my money. The grocery store surely wouldn’t sell something that might make me sick. And everyone will do what they are supposed to. Except many, many times they don’t. I’m not suggesting that we live a cold life full of mistrust, anxiety and panic. I’m just trying to remind you that nobody else is going to do it for you. All are human and subject to sin. Even the best ones aren’t going to think for you and your family’s particular needs and circumstances. No one is going to force you look for the truth in all things.

I have found it hard to write lately because there is just so much stress, controversy and evil blazing around. It’s hard to know what to say. Growing up as a Christian in a very Christian nation makes for sometimes ill-prepared adults when the wind changes. As an alternative health, homeschooling, ADHD-suffering, Christian mom, I’ve felt like a black sheep my whole life. If you’re new to feeling outnumbered, here are some things to remember.

-Acceptance and approval does NOT equal doing the right thing. Doing the RIGHT thing usually means doing what is the opposite of the masses.

-The big picture is more important. Media and culture will try to convince you that it’s not that big of a deal. There are lasting effects to every choice we make. Do you know what your choice today means for the big picture tomorrow? If you haven’t thought about it, you should right now.

-Harmonize. As Christians we trust in the Bible to show us truth. That means any choice or decision should be in harmony with the whole gospel, not just that verse you picked out. Make it ALL make sense. If you can’t, then let’s reconsider.

-If you’re not sure what to do, it’s probably time to get your hands dirty learning and growing.

There has been evil since the days of Noah and nothing new under the sun. To some everything looks full of doom and gloom. Maybe it is, but that doesn’t change God’s promises. In each moment in time when God has brought victory in some way, there was a lot of doom and gloom. We might be out of practice in going against the grain in our daily culture, but we still have the tools God has provided us. They haven’t changed or grown dull, if we choose to use them. I’ve gotten several why questions lately about various evil or wrong things happening in the world and I almost don’t want to answer them. I’d rather the world go back to “normal” and we can ignore the evil as much as possible. Still, my kids are growing up in all of this so we have to address it. Why doesn’t it look like the truth is winning in some places? The best answer I’ve come up with is that God is allowing us to work a little harder for the truth. The good stuff doesn’t come easy and the world has given up on the good stuff in hopes the easy will be enough. And they are getting their reward.