Posts tagged living room dancing
Living Room Dancing: A Show Her Off Review
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Despite the Secret Service/Muscle-Bound vibe Mr. Butler gives off on the outside, this goofball loves a challenge and equally loves to make me happy. Early on in our marriage, he didn’t really think making a big deal over anniversaries or holidays was all that important, but nowadays he goes over and above to make up for it. He certainly spoils me in that department and I don’t deserve it. Regardless, his pragmatic side has convinced him that the happier I am, the better everything in our life can potentially be so he’s decided it’s worth it and I’m not complaining!

So, when we were destined to be snowed in around Valentine’s Day, our options were a little bit more limited in the celebrating/gift department. So, he got creative. If your social media feeds ever look like mine, you have probably seen an ad for Show Her Off at some point over the last year. Apparently, Mr. Butler got them constantly and, like the dog whining at the door finally gets you, he decided to give it a whirl and try out the first level of Date Night Dancing as a surprise for me.

Now, understand this: We are not dancers. We took a ballroom dancing class once almost 10 years ago, but neither of us remember much of it. We have never gone out dancing and have no plans to ever do so either. So on the surface, besides being married, we don’t exactly fit the demographic you would think they were looking for. However, this has turned out to be one of my favorite gifts he’s ever given me - and he’s gotten really good at gift giving!


What We Received:

The introductory online streaming package of Date Night Dancing includes a library of 19 YouTube videos for $67 that teach a series of dance moves designed to be used with any kind of music. It is also available in DVD format for the same price or both for $87.

How It Works:

Since the videos are YouTube based, they are accessible by just about any device and perfect for the living room, which is where we used them. They move in succession and build on one another, but stopping and restarting is obviously very easy. The lessons are taught from a guy’s perspective mostly to the guys perspective, making the assumption that guys are often naturally more hesitant to participate. Once you feel confident in the move or series of moves being taught, you can continue or stop and try them out with music of your choice. Our Alexa got quite a workout as we tried to come up with music to experiment with.

What We Thought:

First of all, the fact that Mr. Butler was willing to try this out with me - WITHOUT me asking - made the gesture one of the sweetest things. The night of our family Valentine’s dinner, I was busy telling kids good night and I came back to the living room to see the coffee table moved out of the way and him getting the videos set up. So sweet! Secondly, it was such a work out! The amount of steps you take certainly boosts your daily counter, but also there are some dips and spins that don’t happen by accident. Since that first night, there have been more than one occasion when I’ve asked him if we could dance after the kids go to bed just because I felt like I needed the physical boost! We have now done it enough times and learned a few moves well enough that we can pick up whenever music is one. So. Much. Fun!

With this kind of activity, I think most people are going to walk in to it with a lot of assumptions.

“Oh, it would be so romantic!” “I’ll do it once, but never again after that.” “I can’t dance so it would never work.” “We’re never going to go dancing so why waste the money on something like that?”

For us, it has romantic moments, but more than anything we laugh. so. hard. We’re not naturally graceful. It takes concentration and work, but it allows us to work together, be together and just have fun together. And, it just makes you feel a bit like a kid sometimes - in the best way possible! As I write this, it has been a few days and I’m missing it. It allows us to reconnect without us having to watch a show or be on our phones, which, let’s face it is pretty tempting most nights.


Now, I recognize that my husband is always game for adventures and not every guy is going to seek something like this out. Understood. “My husband would never do that!” Maybe you’re right, but I will say this. The actual premise of these lessons (stated by the instructor many times) is for the guy to be able to bring his girl joy, showcase her and simply be the picture frame. The actual moves we have learned so far are fairly simple, easily repeatable in multiple settings, and just not about him all that much.

Often the reviews I do are for something I received for free or might have affiliate links attached. This product is 100% something we bought and get zero kickbacks! Honestly, I just really wanted to share this fun thing because marriage is really hard and finding ways to rise above all of the stress, miscommunication and conflict is not an easy thing. Dancing in our living room has certainly been invigorating on a physical level, but certainly has just brought us closer as friends and partners. The next time you consider a date night with your spouse where you’re likely to spend cash on dinner and some activity, why not stay in and go on an adventure that can be continued for years to come!

I am so thankful he rolled the dice on this and continues to invest in our marriage. It’s been so much fun!

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