Posts tagged depression
Hope: The Missing Ingredient
Hope the missing ingredient.png

Hope. For so long, we’ve allowed ourselves to hope in things other than God’s promises. We hope in our money and things. We hope in our ‘side’ being right. We hope in our country being the best. We hope in our issue being the only one that matters. We even hope in lies that we know are likely lies, because we can’t handle the reevaluating that inevitably comes from challenging our worldview.

We like certain quotes or articles on social media that claim to put hope in God and what His assurances are. We might even say amen to the preacher who reminds us that this is God’s show through and through. We know who is on the throne, don’t we? But we really don’t act like it, do we?


I’m sensitive with an overactive brain so I’m just as guilty as the next guy about getting sucked into what the mob is yelling today or who disagrees with my life choices. It’s been incredibly exhausting to keep a mental balance on all of the trauma and drama our world has been through lately. I’ve cried out for mercy so many times because it just seems too much and the threat of more to come is the nightmare of movies. Surely this isn’t real life! But then I’m reminded of the good things, the right things, the hopeful things and I hate how I can get so caught up in the strife.

Do you remember how Peter argued with Jesus about what was to come? I feel like Peter all the time arguing with the Lord about why this is happening and how it has to stop! What if God is doing exactly what needs to be done to bring about his good will? I can stand and argue about it or I can get out of His way and obey Him.


As much as we might think our biggest fear is the only thing that matters right now, everyone in the world could be facing a far different but equally as great fear. We obviously don’t have every answer in all of these situations, but we do have hope. Did you forget that? I did.

Are you worried or discouraged about your livelihood? Maybe you’ll be pushed to make the change that’s been needed for a while. There is hope. Is your health painting a grim picture? Maybe you’ll start looking in other places to get the answers you need. There is hope. Can your marriage be saved? Is a friendship about to die? Perhaps your eyes are about to be opened to some truth you’ve been denying for a while. There is hope. Most importantly, is your spiritual life in shambles and the path forward unclear? Maybe it’s taken all of this to get you to admit it and do something about it! There is hope.

There is a lot of unrest and valid concerns being expressed on the internet every. single. day. You know what isn’t being talked about very much? Hope. Legitimate hope that can help you take a breath in the morning and try again hope. I would really like to bring hope to my corner of the world wide web. I mess up a lot, but I also have some amazing people and resources in my life, thanks to the mercy of God, that give me hope. Worried about money? There’s a lot I don’t know, but what I do know brings me hope. Worried about the education of your kids? Not an expert, but from what I’ve experienced and the people I know who have done it, I have so much hope. Are you worried about your health? Again, not a doctor and not giving medical advice, but I have some amazing resources and perspectives that gives me so much hope. Not sure what God wants from you? Reading the Bible brings me so much hope.


In my ADHD discovery, I’ve learned how incredibly awkward and closed off I can be at times. It’s not intentional, but it’s a very real coping strategy that I’m finally understanding. In light of that, I’m learning its important for me to communicate clearer than I feel like I should have to. So, here goes. If you’re worried - and let’s not lie to ourselves - we’ve all been worried - and can’t let go of it, maybe you would like to share some of my hope? I want to help you, but I also don’t want to be pushy. Sometimes I want to help so much I turn into a bulldog mother who won’t take no for an answer and end up pushing people away. I don’t like being that way so I’m working on it. Still want to bring you hope though, if you need it.

Everyone I know is really starting to feel the pressure and ignoring the stress isn’t going to solve it. Let’s start spreading hope and if you need some, hit me up!