Lies Girls Believe: A True Girl Book Review


As a 42 year old woman looking back at my adolescence, it is incredibly easy to see all the lies I believed, especially those that would shape the rest of my development. But that was 30 years ago. The amount of media that our kids consume - often without even trying to - is enormous and not going away on its own. As parents, we have to equip our children with proactive defenses against all these ideas that undermine God’s place in this world and our children’s true value. To that end, it is important to have tools that can help equip them. I’m so grateful that the Homeschool Review Crew makes it possible for our family to explore resources that are designed to feed and fuel our families for the future. Today, we are reviewing Lies Girls Believe and A Mom's Guide to Lies Girls Believe from True Girl.

What We Received:

We received to paperback books, Lies Girls Believe by Dannah Gresh and A Mom’s Guide to Lies Girls Believe & the Truth That Sets Them Free by Dannah Gresh.

How It Works:

Lies Girls believe is a book intended for girls age 9-12 to read on their own. From the first page, where girls are invited to write their name as co-author of the book, it is a very interactive book that encourages colored pencil writing throughout the chapters. Through quizzes, questions and quality interactive illustrations, girls get the chance to take a look at themselves, how they feel and possible lies they could be believing without even realizing it. This book appropriately hits on subjects like God being good enough, mean girls, the value of our family, genders, periods, and friendship, to name a few. Girls are walked through relatable examples and questions that can show the danger of believing lies and ways to avoid it.

While girls can read their book independently whether mom has this companion or not, A Mom’s Guide to Lies Girls Believe is intended to be read at the same pace and at the same time as their daughters are reading their book. Mom’s book explains the necessity of the Girls book, shows glimpses of what the girls are reading about, questions to discuss with their daughters at the end of chapters, suggested prayer prompts and discusses lies mom’s believe. In both books there is an emphasis on our feelings and how they can swing too far on the pendulum in both directions, which usually gets us in trouble. The first lie she addresses for mom’s is this idea that either we have supreme control over the influences our daughters experience or that we have zero control over what happens to our daughters. Both are lies and truth lies somewhere in the middle, as it usually does. The Mom’s Guide is a valuable tool in reinforcing the truths found in the girls book but especially in deepening the mother daughter relationship as they face adolescence.

What We Thought:

My daughter, Zoey just turned 9 last month. She immediately dove into the book and LOVED it. It was extra special that the main character in the book is named Zoey too (and they spelled it right, she loves to remind me!) Anything that we are supposed to do together, she gets excited about. She immediately got out her colored pencils, underlined and wrote in all the things as she read along. From a mom’s perspective, there are some topics that aren’t necessarily on her radar yet, but that’s all the better to me. She’s close enough that I would much rather her have a healthy perspective on subjects - like her period or gender questions - BEFORE she’s in turmoil about them. With us discussing things at the end of every chapter, it gives her a safe space to ask questions and for me as her mom to connect with her on the individual topics. Before I had a daughter or even 5 years ago, I might of had a take it or leave it kind of attitude for something like this. It’s easy to convince yourself that if you have a good relationship with God and your child, nothing much more is needed. After looking at a resource like this and having a 9 year old daughter who is staring down adolescence, I feel very differently. I know that I can’t ensure the ultimate protection for my daughter, just like my mother couldn’t for me, but going through books like these can give you a head start and a great defense against the devil’s arrows that are certainly coming. I recommend every daughter and mother read these books together!

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Is Lies Girls Believe something your daughter could benefit from? Click on the link below to read other reviews of this product so you can make an informed decision.

Amy Butler