Painting with Watercolor Pencils: An ARTistic Pursuits Review


You don’t have to be an expert to provide your children a solid education. Those saying otherwise clearly aren’t paying attention. Aside from a stereo-typical inner-city public school art education, I have zero training in drawing, painting, water colors, clay or any other hands-on art. It never came naturally to me so I generally avoided it growing up. Despite that, my kids have a decent understanding of the subject and are producing works far beyond my ability. A lot of that can be attributed to being exposed to some great instructors and resources along the way. One of our favorites is ARTistic Pursuits! Thanks to the Homeschool Review Crew we now own at least 4 of their products. Last year we reviewed Drawing with Graphite Pencils, Art Core 1 and this summer we have been enjoying Painting with Watercolor Pencils, Art Core 2.

What We Received:

We received Painting with Watercolor Pencils, Art Core 2 which included a hardback textbook, 2 DVDs, and access to the digital course on the Artistic Pursuits’ website.

How It Works:

As the second book in the Art Core series, Painting with Watercolor Pencils is designed for students in 4-6th grade, upper elementary ages. To complete the lessons you are required to obtain supplies on your own that includes, watercolor paper, watercolor pencils, and certain brushes. This course gives students a strong introduction to color theory and watercolor painting techniques. The book is designed to be used in conjunction with either the DVDs or the online videos. There are 27 text lessons in the book and 9 video lessons online or on DVD. The text lessons are simple and direct, incorporating art history, painting techniques and other student examples that gives you a variety of levels to compare your work to. The book recommends 2 lessons per week and allows for students’ independence or parental involvement.

What We Thought:

My 11 year old boy and 9 year old girl both used this program. My 5 year old really wanted to be involved but I opted to leave him out mostly because I didn’t want to buy supplies for him when he may or may not utilize them very well and he’s far below the recommended age. My older two have used Artistic Pursuits before so they were familiar with the format and the instructor. Getting started was very simple and they enjoyed all the lessons and creating. Their biggest complaint was about their sibling not going at the same pace as them, but that’s a not a curriculum fail as much as a family relations issue. When I am not involved they are inclined to skip the text lessons unless it directly applies to the video simply due to ease of use. It is easier to sit and watch a video rather than reading the page to your sister! Still, even if students never touched a text lesson, which is not recommended, students can still gain a big understanding of painting with watercolors and spark an interest in the subject. I am so thankful to have books like these on my bookshelf that we can utilize at any time, not just a one time course.

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The Homeschool Review Crew used a variety of products from ARTistic Pursuits. Explore all they have to offer your family through the link below.

Amy Butler