Posts tagged homeschool curriculum
A YWAM Publishing Review: C.S. Lewis - Master Storyteller


As overwhelming as determining a child’s educational content can be, getting to incorporate truly meaningful texts into my child’s curriculum is such a blessing! The Christian Heroes Then and Now series are popular books we have encountered in several homeschooling circles as supplemental materials or the focus of a unit study. Names like Corrie ten Boom, Elisabeth Elliot, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer are some of the books in this series. For today’s review, we are looking at C.S. Lewis: Master Storyteller from YWAM Publishing. As a family we have read The Chronicles of Narnia and watched the available movies, so convincing my 11 year old son to read a book about the author wasn’t hard at all. Who wouldn’t be curious about the man who created the world of Narnia and all its interesting characters?

What We Received:

We received a paperback book with a glossy cover, C.S. Lewis: Master Storyteller by Janet & Geoff, a digital copy of the C.S. Lewis Unit Study Curriculum Guide, and digitals copes of two slightly different Overview Guides.

How It Works:

The book C.S. Lewis: Master Storyteller is a biography from YWAM (Youth With a Mission) Publishing that is intended for readers approximately aged 10-15, whether individually or in small group/classroom settings. These chapter books fit easily into a family read aloud time as well, but depending on the book, there can be some themes (war, sickness, death, etc.) that parents might want to be prepared for. Overall, though, these biographies can stimulate great discussions about faith, geography, and lessons from history. The Unit Study Curriculum Guide is an optional supplement, but packs so many layers of educational content. The Guide lines out a variety of ways to learn with the chosen book at the center of it all including Key Bible Verses, a Display Corner, Chapter Questions, Social Studies, Student Exploration, Related Themes, etc. With C.S. Lewis being from Ireland and Britain, geography studies can focus on those areas, for example. Whether through the library or online searches, research about WWII, Cambridge, and even other authors like Tolkien can enhance students learning. Essay questions, hands-on projects, audio/video projects, a survey of all the books written by Lewis and so much more are at the students’ fingertips.

What We Thought:

I gave my 11 year old son the option of reading it on his own or reading it together as a family and he chose to read it on his own. After he finished it (because he couldn’t wait for me to go chapter by chapter) we sat down and discussed several questions from the study guide. Every time we sat down to discuss the book, I went away encouraged because of all the thoughts coming out of my son’s head. He had a ton of empathy for C.S. Lewis’s rough life and was fascinated that he was friends with Tolkien! We discussed God’s will in our lives specifically when He says no to our prayers, as was the case with Lewis’ mother.. We have read some of the other books from the Christian Heroes series as a part of our larger curriculum. When asked how this one compared to them, he felt this one was really interesting, where others had been a little less so. We determined that it was because he had a previous context for C.S. Lewis. He knew who he was BEFORE picking up the book. Whereas, the other biographies we read were about people he had never encountered before. From a parent/educator perspective, the books do not in any way require previous knowledge of the subject, but to captivate my 11 year old’s enthusiastic attention, previous knowledge certainly helped..

This book, as the rest of the series does as well, provides a strong jumping off point for so many educational discussions and projects. Regardless of your needs and circumstances, this book and complimentary resources are certainly something any family could utilize and benefit from.

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The Crew reviewed several books in the Christian Heroes Then and Now series. If you would like to hear more about some of them, check out all the other reviews through the link below:

BUCK Making Sense: A Buck Academy Review


When we decided to homeschool our children, it was really motivated by being able to teach them the things we thought were most important. While our world is spun up on technology right now and we tend to heavily rely on our phones to do our thinking for us, we still value the skills that got us to this technological age. It’s important to lay a foundation in our children’s minds that demonstrates what money is, what it isn’t, not to mention how to count back change or manage their own money well. For today’s review I would like to share with you three different products, Baby BUCK, How Much Am I…, Quick Cents To A BUCK, and BUCK Making Cents from Buck Academy that are some fun tools to engage your kids with money.

What We Received:

We received three books, 2 coupons and a fun bookmark. The books included:

Baby BUCK, How Much Am I.. - A board book intended for ages 0-4

Quick Cents to a BUCK - A paperback that summarizes the BUCK Making Cents

BUCK Making Cents - A hardbacked book intended for ages 5-11

How It Works:

The Baby BUCK book is sturdy and introduces children to all the coins and a dollar bill. While it is a very basic introduction it also includes lift the flap elements for how much each coin is worth. BUCK Making Cents is a story led by Buck that explains all about each coin and the dollar bill and then walks the reader through a variety of math/value questions. Quick Cents to a BUCK is a shortened and simplified version of BUCK Making Cents in paperback form, much like a thin coloring book. Besides suggested age ranges, there is no specific intent or direction as to how to utilize these books. As suggested in BUCK Making Cents, having the actual coins and dollar in hand is a nice way to engage the students, especially as you are talking about the different elements on the front and back of the money.

What We Thought:

Since my youngest is 4 and already knows a bit about money, the board book was helpful by nature - asking the reader how much each coin was. The Quick Cents book was a little basic for what the big kids already knew. BUCK Making Sense was great for teaching them a few things and then putting their money math to work! If your kids are young and first starting their education about money, these books are a great tool to set them up well. Since my kids already knew a lot of the information, it was more of a read it once and you’re done kind of a reaction. As my 4 year old grows in understanding, the books will help him solidify the information. If you’re looking for a fun addition to a new homeschool library, this is definitely something for the bookshelf.

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