Posts tagged free critical thinking worksheets
Understanding Fractions from The Critical Thinking Co.™: A Review


A Review from Mrs. Write Balance (1).png

As parents and teachers, we all hope that our students will get the hang of concepts naturally and gradually. Really great curriculum introduce concepts little by little long before students have to tackle it head on. Many times, that is enough! Despite our best efforts though, students sometimes struggle and need extra concentrated support sometimes. Today’s review is just such a book. We’re taking a look at
Understanding Fractions from The Critical Thinking Co.™.


What We Received:

We received Understanding Fractions from The Critical Thinking Co.™, a 61-page paperback workbook designed for single person use. Pages are perforated and can be taken out of the book.

How It Works:

Understanding Fractions is intended for students grades 2-4 and ages 7-10. The concepts build on each other so it is intended to completed front to back. However, sections are labelled so you could select a specific set of problems to work on to address a particular weakness. This workbook uses over 50 pages to introduce and reinforce what many textbooks cover in less than 10. It begins with how fractions work and how to identify fractions properly. There is about 10 pages of ‘What fraction?’ exercises where students determine what fraction a number is of the whole with a variety of different themes (vehicles, foods, money, etc.) After that it introduces shapes and shaded areas which provides a visual element to the concept. From there the exercises build and continue to vary. Page 28 features a ‘What’s the New Word?’ activity where fraction language (whole, half, third) is utilized create new words. The last half introduces mixed numbers, adding and subtracting fractions with plenty of exercises to practice. There are a couple of Review pages and a Final Review at the end of the worksheets. The back of the workbook features an answer key and Fraction Circle Cut-Outs that can be used as manipulatives where needed.

What We Thought:

My 8 year old daughter who is in the 3rd grade used this book and enjoyed it. She enjoys math but hasn’t gotten to all the elements in her regular math work so this was an appropriate addition. In her case, having not gotten to adding or subtracting fractions yet, it wasn’t entirely enough on its own to teach it for the first time. The book as a whole, however, is perfect for someone who was introduced to fractions in regular schoolwork, but struggled. This revisiting and concentrated focus on understanding fractions seems ideal for getting a student through a crisis or an older student caught up.

Fractions are one of those concepts that if you don’t get it down, it will create roadblocks for you throughout your life. We may not all walk around remembering how to multiply fractions, but having a working understanding of how fractions work affect our every day life. This book is a great tool in ensuring your student is prepared! The Critical Thinking Co.™ has a great history of offering tools to bridge whatever gap you are facing in your child’s educational journey.


The Crew reviewed a variety of books this time around so check out the link below to see what other items they have to offer.