Cricket in Times Square: A Progeny Press Review


When I was in school, discussing literature was my absolute favorite. I loved analyzing the characters and anticipating what the author was thinking! As a homeschool parent of 3, juggling chores and education on top of anything else in life is a tall order, leaving me rushing through things like book reading with the kids. Study guides from Progeny Press are a great way to slow everything down to maximize comprehension and explore ideas further. We’ve enjoyed Progeny Press before and this time we are reviewing Wagon Wheels Study Guide and Cricket in Times Square Study Guide.

What We Received

We were given two study guide digital downloads, Wheels Study Guide and Cricket in Times Square Study Guide.

How It Works:

Study Guides are divided into sections determined by chapter groupings sandwiched between a synopsis, about the author and a summary. At the end there are ideas for post-reading activities, additional resources and an answer key. Throughout the study guide expect to see activities in geography, vocabulary. history, science, and writing. If utilized to it’s fullest, you could cover an entire semester with one study guide!

Progeny Press offers study guides for all levels and varieties of literature that are designed to encourage a greater enjoyment and understanding of authors and texts. The most important aspect that we appreciate is the Biblical worldview that is sewn throughout that questions and activities. The Wagon Wheels Study Guide is intended for grades 1-3 and Cricket in Times Square Study Guide is targeted for grades 4-6. As digital products, these can be used with multiple students and printed out at once or sections at a time. This is certainly a product that can work in a group settings too either as a family or a classroom setting. Many of the activities or questions can be addressed as a group discussion.

What We Thought:

Since we have tried out Progeny Press Study Guides before, it was easy to step back in. We did have trouble finding these books at the library, but an easy solution is to look on YouTube for the books being read aloud. Thankfully, both Wagon Wheels and A Cricket in Times Square were readily available!. Since my 3rd grader is an avid reader and my 5th grader loves to help, they both were expected to listen to the read aloud together and worked on the questions/activities together too. The Wagon Wheel guide was appropriately shorter with activities for younger students like a crossword puzzle or compound word activity. While both kids could grasp most everything, you could easily tell the difficulty level was appropriately aged.

As a parent and educatory, I love the holistic approach each study guide takes to the text and the child’s education. For example, A Cricket in Times Square is a story about characters, but the study guide suggests a scientific study of how many chirps a cricket makes in a span of time. Since my favorite learning approach is more like a unit study where every subject (science, math, etc.) is tied into one theme, these study guides are a great educational and affordable option for your homeschool!

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The crew reviewed several study guides at various levels so check out more reviews at the link below.