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The Adventum: An Audio Adventure


The use of audiobooks just might be a hallmark of homeschooling, but that’s because they are a wonderful solution for so many kid situations that you don’t want to pull out a screen for. Riding in the car on a long trip? Audiobook saves the day. Need the kids to sit in one spot and (hopefully) not interrupt you? The right audiobook can give you space to focus. Finding books that reinforce scripture and engage your family in spiritual ideas is icing on the cake, right? Today’s review is just that! I’m talking about The Adventum, Volume 1 from The Adventum Audio Adventure series.

What We Received:

We received a digital download of The Adventum, Volume 1, an audio drama series that imagines what Biblical events were like as though you were really there.

How It Works:

In Latin, Adventum means “Arrival” and this project centers around the arrival of God’s redemption. Adventum, Volume 1 is part of a series of realistic adaptations of Bible stories. They currently offer 5 volumes and we are reviewing Volume 1. In Volume 1, this audio drama covers Creation to Jacob & Esau and includes 20 tracks each 10-20 minutes long. They offer a digital or physical version. The physical version includes 4 CDs. Each track or story is told with dramatic music, character dialogue and a narrator. The dialogue is not a direct quotation from scripture but an adaptation to what might be our modern day experience if we were experiencing it today. However, when quoting the voice of God, it is always a direct quote from the Bible.

What We Thought:

Since we received the digital version we downloaded it onto the computer the kids predominantly use and listened that way. In some ways, having CDs feels like it would be easier, but fewer and fewer of our devices even take CDs anymore that it just about evens out. We purchased a new to us car this summer and it didn’t even have a CD player! One of the things we noticed first about the stories is how intense the music was. My 5 year old got a little scared at first and my 9 year old agreed that it sounded a little creepy. As they listened to it for a while, they seemed to grow accustomed to it and it wasn’t an issue. When we first received this product, I set it up to play during lunch for my kids 11, 9 and 5 years old. It held their attention fine, but they didn’t ask for it on their own. Considering the stories are very familiar to them (since birth) I feel this series is best used as a conversation starter. “Do you think it happened like that? Would you have felt that way?” It definitely provides a good way to consider how we see stories in scripture and how realistic our notions are. For families new to the Bible, these definitely instigate learning and curiosity. Regardless of your background, The Adventum is an engaging and useful resource to add to your audio collection.

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