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Fix It! Grammar: An IEW Review


There are a lot of reasons to homeschool right now, but the most steadfast (and logical) reason to is curriculum choice. If a book or method doesn’t work for your child or family, you don’t have to keep using it! Slow down, speed up, take breaks - you get to decide what is important! Grammar is one of those subjects that you need a method that works for you to really get a full understanding. For today’s review, I’m happy to introduce you to Fix It! Grammar from Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW), a unique approach to learning the rules and guidelines of English grammar.

What We Received:

We received a Student Book and Teacher’s Manual, Level 2 of Fix It! Grammar, Town Mouse and Country Mouse and a box of Fix It! Grammar Cards. Coincidentally, we already had Student Book, Level 1, The Nose Tree, but it was a 3rd edition and the Level 2 was the new 4th edition. This way we get to talk about some of the differences in the editions.

How It Works:

Fix It! Grammar teaches punctuation, vocabulary, language arts’ concepts and many grammar rules through a real-life story. Each week consists of a Learn It!, Read It!, Mark It!, Fix It!, and ReWrite It! task that instructs on and reinforces grammatical concepts. There are four sentences (from the story Town Mouse and Country Mouse) that are filled with mistakes of some kind. Students are to correct one sentence per day and rewrite it correctly. Once completed students can compare their work with the teacher’s manual version to see if they missed anything. Included in the back of the student book are two Appendixes, Complete Story (the complete story of Town Mouse and Country Mouse) and Collection Pages (Adverb, Strong Verb, and Quality Adjectives can be collected to support good writing). The teacher manual contains those too, but also a Grammar Glossary perfect for brushing up on any concept. In addition to satisfying a language arts component and teaching grammar in different way, this program also works hand in hand with writing curriculum.

Grammar rules by nature aren’t always fun, but the Fix It! Grammar Cards and the suggested games on IEW’s website provide some fun opportunities to get that knowledge in there without too much discomfort.

Differences Between 3rd and 4th Editions:

While I cannot compare the exact same books, Level 1 and Level 2 follow in a similar framework. A major change - one that I like - is that the Fourth Edition provides lines for sentence rewrites while the Third Edition requires you to use your own paper. In the Third Edition, flash cards are included in the back to cut out, but the Fourth Edition doesn’t include them. They are replaced with a much nicer version in a separate box. If I had both editions of a Level 2 book, I might be able to point out other changes, but these are the only apparent ones.

What We Thought:

During this review period my 5th grade son used Level 2 and my 3rd grade daughter used Level 1. For both of them, they had to learn the appropriate symbols to mark each sentence, but each week’s introduction makes new marks very clear. The simplicity of each days work is a big hit with our family. With ADHD elements running through their genes, short lessons are always preferred. Since they build on previous lessons, students are given plenty of opportunities to practice what they have learned. It’s a largely independent program, which I appreciate more and more the older my kids get. We have been using IEW’s Structure and Style over the past year and really enjoying it too. IEW has a great commitment to excellence while engaging the students throughout. I love that!

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The Homeschool Review Crew reviewed several levels of Fix It! Grammar. Click on the image below to see what other families had to says.